We hope everyone is keeping safe and well. Our condolences go out to family, friends and readers who have lost loved ones during this terrible time. A special thank you to all the NHS staff and Key Workers, working tirelessly, putting their own families at risk to ensure we remain safe. We can't begin to imagine the difficulties many people must be facing at this current time but we hope and pray that we can all come out the other side. Stronger, united and with more love and understanding for all those who risk their lives day to day, to help all of us live our lives.
Here is our poster thanking these special people and yes we couldn't forget our milk man :)
Whilst being at home for most might be challenging, there are some who may be enjoying the time and using it to reflect and focus on themselves.
As we enter another week of lockdown, some of you may be wondering how to fill your days, especially if you have young children at home to entertain. We have missed taking our camera out and about for shoots (although that hasn't stopped us from doing some fun portrait shoots at home). Therefore we've come up with a fun photographic activity for the whole family to take part in. You don't need a fancy camera, a simple phone camera will do the trick and everyone can get involved.
The Challenge - Pet's eye view
Pretend that you are a pet. How would you see the world around you if you were a dog, a hamster or another favourite animal of yours?
Shoot a series of images (e.g. 5 images) from the perspective of your pet's eye level
You can take these images on a phone camera or even an SLR, if you have one
Why not get someone to try and guess which animal you were by showing them your series of shots
We would love to see what you create and you can share them with us at jaspreetjasprit@gmail.com or tag us into your pictures on instagram @jaspreetjasprit
Here is an image taken from the view of a hamster in our garden...
If you have any other photo challenge ideas, please share them and maybe we can send out new challenges over the coming weeks.
In the meantime, stay safe and healthy...and most of all stay home!